martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

¡¡Se anuncia que demolerán Casa del Agua después de este fin de semana!!

"Toda la opinión pública pide
la conservación de Casa del Agua"
  Arquitectos, Escultores, Pintores y demás Artistas de Corea están en alerta y manifestando su petición ante las autoridades de que se conserve tan bella obra de arquitectura, como es Casa del Agua, del fallecido Arq. Ricardo Legorreta.
  En la noticia de Jemin (abajo), la legisladora de Jeju resume el apoyo que se mantiene de parte de la población misma de Isla Jeju y de todos los sectores artísticos y culturales del país que piden la protección de este patrimonio coreano heredado de México.


Public opinion on the conservation of the “Casa del Agua” spreads out
(contenido de la noticia)
Many artistic communities have proposed an alternative solution to conserve the “Casa del Agua”.  Now that JID Company, the owner of the building, has agreed to donate the building as a contribution to the public, the final destiny of the gallery shall depend on the decision of the Booyoung Company and the Jeju special self-governing Province.
During 299th meeting session on the September 21th, a member of the metropolitan assembly of Jeju, Ms. Lee Sun-hwa pointed out that Booyoung Company must respond with the appropriate resolution to the JID’s offer of donation and that if a large corporation like Booyoung neglects society responsibility, and only interested in their own benefits, they will deserve criticism.

Moreover she urged the Governor of the Jeju to make the right decision, saying that the Provincial government of Jeju will be the one most blamed and criticized as a destroyer of cultural heritage.
Chairman of the Assembly, Mr. Park Hee-su requested that its cultural value be recognized as an architecture worth of becoming a monument memorial in the history of world architecture in the future.